During consultation it is important to assess and suggest the correct solution for the skin type. If someone wants to disregard this advice and go for a dark tan, please advise them that it is not going to wear off well if they are pale.
10% Spray Tan Solution
A medium-strength solution that can be adapted for most colourings simply by applying slightly more or less tan according to the desired result.
12% Spray Tan Solution
The most commonly used DHA solution and the one most often preferred by salons . This is a medium/dark solution that can be adapted for most uses making it a good solution to choose when starting in business. Use distilled water to Dilute 50/50 with distilled water for a 6% great for a redhead.
16% Spray Tan Solution
This solution is suitable for DHA resistive clients and those with the darkest skin tones. It is a particularly intense product, should be used with caution and by professionals only. This is recommended for clients with either a deep base tan or a dark natural skin colour. Dilute 50/50 for a 8% great for a pale blonde
20% Spray Tan Solution
This is great for dancers, body builders and tanorexics but will be more drying to the skin, reducing the tan’s longevity. To counteract this, ensure that the tan contains plenty of moisturising ingredients and recommend an effective moisturiser for the client to use for aftercare.
Other variations in tanning results
Spray tan will make the client a few shades darker than the base skin colour, so dark skins will always end up darker than light skins. Even on the same client the degree of tan will vary due to differing oil and acid levels in the skin and also to different base colours on different body parts. Air pressure and humidity can also affect the final result.
If children are to be tanned always chose alcohol free, parabens free and perfume free products and keep the DHA as low as possible, to avoid sensitising a delicate skin.