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How to unblock an airbrush

How to unblock an airbrush

Sadly.... not everything always goes perfectly.


Imagine you are half way through a spray tan and the gun splutters and stops


do you...................


  1. Give the client a full refund and apologise.
  2. strike the airbrush repeatedly against the floor until it starts working again.
  3. Calmly unscrew the nozzle poke a needle through it & proceed tanning.

Do you know what to do?

No prizes for getting that right but you would be suprised how many trained therapist can get this wrong.

A blocked needle comes about when a small piece of debris gets pushed in to the nozzle...... & it happens. So get over it.

Doesn't matter what airbrush you use, what solution you run through it or how old the machine is..... it happens!

Regular use helps to keep an airbrush running smoothly, if it is sat for too long  without use tan has chance to coagulate.

In fact new airbrushes are many times more likely to block as small plastic shavings (left over from the manufacturing  process) get sucked in to the nozzle.


Here's how to clean a nozzle:
  1. Unscrew the black bezel on the end that covers the silver aircap.
  2. Remove the silver cover to reveal a brass nozzle.
  3. Unscrew the brass nozzle (using a 10mm spanner) - you could use an adjustable wrench but a pair of pliars are likely to damage the nozzle.
  4. Rinse under a warm tap     
  5. Useing a sewing needle (or the small blunt pin that is in the instruction bag) gently push the needle through the nozzle from the back.
  6. hold it up to the light. You should be able to see through the nozzle. 
  7. Reassemble



Alternatively watch this video now; so that when it happens (because it most certainly will) you won't need to refund the client.

Or even better have more than one gun!


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